Make your vision board work for you

The act of putting your dreams into picture form and pasting them to poster board is something that swirls around us this time of year. 

And while I am all for bringing the vision of your future to life, I am quick to point out and recommend a few other things. 

Tip #1: We must also envision ourselves within those images. 

If you pasted a photo of NYC at Christmas, then you must close your eyes and imagine you are there. In that photo during that time. 

Fire up your senses. What are you seeing? What are you hearing? What are you smelling? What does it feel like? Are you wearing a thick jacket and gloves? Is there a cold wind on your face? 

Tip #2: You must act on that vision

Christmas in New York is on your board? Then buy the ticket. The ticket will not buy itself. 

The magic happens in the spaces between the action. The magic isn't in a ticket landing in your lap, but rather what will happen once you are underway to your destination. 

The magic is in the doing. 

Tip #3: Act as if

If you want to be married or if you want to lose weight, then envision what it will be like when you are married or when you have lost the weight. 

What will you feel? What will you think? How will you act on a daily basis? 

Then start doing that N-O-W. Act as if. Future you who has lost the extra weight will be exercising weekly and monitoring the types of food she eats. Awesome, do that now. 

There is no need to wait to act like future you because there are plenty of opportunities to act like her now. 

If you want to get organized or if you want to ditch the overwhelm and overextension of life, then think ahead. What will that feel like? What will I say no to? What will I buy (or not)? How will I show up for my family when I'm not overwhelmed and running around like a mad chicken. 

No need to wait. 

Jennifer Grant