The Excuses We Make

Why do we make excuses?

Because we can’t say no and we don’t know how to make a decision from our gut.

What do our excuses look like?

They look like busyness - oh I can’t because I don’t have the time.

They look like debt - oh I can’t because I don’t have any money.

We’ve gotten busy and we spend our money on piles and piles of stuff because we can’t find the strength to tell someone no.

Ego sells us on all the people pleasing with it’s go-to line of “I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings”.

Bologna. It doesn’t want to be rejected and it doesn’t want someone to not like it.

We buy easy stuff like shoes and clothes and earrings and hats and coolers and handbags, because making the choice to acquire is pleasureful.

Do I like it? Yep.

Do I want it? Sure.

But when it comes to spending money on anything that yanks you out of your comfort zone (like on a coach or a class or retreat), oh no I can’t afford that.

Sure you can.

Or you could, had you not spent it all on meaningless stuff.

We don’t want to be uncomfortable and we don’t want to change. We like luxury. We like comfort. We like cozy. We like all these things we’ve built up for ourself thankyouverymuch.

We don’t want to look in the mirror.

So we avoid it.

With the excuses we make.

Jennifer Grant