Follow The Clutter Clues
The steps to getting organized are:
Let go & declutter
Move what you are keeping to create a better flow within your home
Declutter (again)
Organize the space / the room / the drawer (with whatever is needed to keep it functioning efficiently)
It is common to stop after step one and think you are organized.
It is also common to jump to step four and think you are organized.
The trick, the secret, is to finish all steps in succession. And my ultimate secret tip is to let some time pass between step 3 and step 4.
Once you've uncluttered your home and your grouped items together in the places that make the most sense for you and your family, then I want you to leave it alone.
Sit with it. Live with it. Try it on for size.
If you need an organizing something-or-other, then the clutter will tell you. It will tell you with it's piles.
Give your space and your stuff some time to breathe. Then look around at what is piling up and what is getting on your nerves. There - right there - is where you need a simple system.
Mission accomplished