Teaching or Learning?

We Teach That Which We Need To Learn

In college, I loved organizing study groups with friends. Bonus points if we were able to secure a room in the library complete with white board (nerd alert!), but more times than not it was in our college apartment living room. 

In between tests, we would each do the required reading, but when it came to study time, then you can bet it was game on! 

I loved leading the conversation around sample test questions and I loved debating about what was the right answer and why. 

My college GPA was a steady 4.0 throughout my time in business school, all they while enrolled in Honors courses, working internships, and sitting on the Executive Board for BHP (Business Honors Program). I knew how to be a good student and I thrived on making A's. 

Aside from a strong work ethic (I always did the readings), I credit this to teaching and studying with my fellow classmates before each test. And if no one was to be found to study with, then I would teach it to invisible people while locked away in my room. 

Saying it out loud made it stick in my brain. 

Come test time I had no problem recalling the right answer because I already KNEW it. I had been reading it and studying it and teaching it for at least a week by that point. 

Watch my video below on how this same concept can be applied to your business and how it can help you excel in areas that you might feel behind in. 

BeautyJennifer Grant