Behind Every Wish Hides A Fear

What is fear?

And where does it come from? 

We inherit fear much like we inherit eye color. As a child, we watch how our parents and grandparents and siblings react to life and it's circumstances. Their reactions become a blueprint that our mind buys into and we carry that blueprint going forward. 

We also inherit fear as adults. Others’ reactions become something that is hard to ward off. Choosing to stay calm when everyone else is hoarding up toilet paper and watching the news incessantly starts to wear us down. 

We often succumb to the mass reaction because resisting it was too much effort. 

Fear is lack of trust and it is rooted in our human nature to control and order the steps and the process. 

Behind every one of these fear is a wish in hiding. 

The fear acts as Mama Bear to the wish saying with her broad stature, "Don't worry honey, I will protect you!"

Fear rises up from the ego and the mind to tell us that perhaps that wish is too big. Or too bold. Or too grandiose. 

Or that we are aspiring to live outside our upbringing. 

The voices and the rationalizations get louder and louder. The narratives roll over and over until we begin to believe them.

They cause us to non-commit to the wish, on account of :

  • what if something bad happens,

  • what if you lose your money,

  • what if you rise too high and lose family & friends,

  • what if it is too much work.

So we don't believe the wish, but instead the fear. 

Watch the video below to see how you can move, in spite of being fearful. 

PersonalJennifer Burnham