Easy Ways To Plan Your Week with a Bullet Journal


Do you need fancy planners and robust apps to plan out your week and to get things done?

Heavens no.

Paper and pen will do just fine. And maybe a monthly calendar to track your appointments and birthdays.

I’ve tried many different programs and I like many different options.

But I always return to whatever is simple and straightforward.

If it is too complicated then I know I will ditch it when time seems to shrink.

This post and video is specifically about designing your week with a bullet journal; however, keep in mind that you could do this with just a simple $1 notebook and a pen.

I really enjoy doodling and coloring which is why I made the decision to set up a bullet journal.

The tips can be applied regardless!

my biggest tip

when you are designing your week, I want you to think about how much space you have available for that week and how much space each task will require.

Perfect example:

You have $100 in your wallet and you go to the store for groceries. Your grocery cart totals $125.

Since you don’t have enough money to cover the cost, you have to put something back to bring the total down to $100.

Same is true for time.

If you have 2 hours available on Monday afternoon but you plan to do a task that will require 4 hours of time, then you know Monday is not the day for that task.

You will need to budget it for another day when you do have the time available (the space) to complete the task.

Some of our biggest stress in life boils down to time management.

What is your favorite way to plan the week?

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